Section 8 New Construction & Rehabilitation Program – Compensation Issue

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#7070 Closed public PHA Les Sparks
Customer Reply

For a Public Housing Authority that we audit, the board of directors authorized a compensation payment to the executive director of the Authority to make up for a period of time the Authority did not have a pension plan in the 1980’s when the executive director was employed (this affected another employee from that time period also and they received a payment, at a much smaller amount). There was a calculation that was performed and this calculated payment was paid to the executive director as compensation, subject to federal, state and local withholdings and the all of the applicable payroll taxes and reported on his W-2.

The gross amount paid to him approximated $113,000 in gross pay to the executive director and was deducted within the Authority’s New Construction Program. HUD was not contacted to get approval for the compensation amount paid.

Do you have any advice as to how we should approach this payment to the ED. Would this be considered a finding that should be disclosed within the audit report? Any helpful advice you could provide would be helpful since we have never encountered a transaction/situation like this in any prior HUD audits.

Kathy Christensen

From Les Sparks:

There are no specific rule son how a PHA may compensate the ED. They have quite a bit of flexibility in that effort. Of course, there are some reporting requirements such as reporting ed compensation.

I was interested, however, in the comment of where the money came from. You mentioned that it came from the New Construction program. Is the Public Housing or Capital Fund? Again, I do not know of any particular prohibition on taking money for salaries as long as they a reasonable. Just curious.


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