Operating Reserve Lawsuit Funds

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#7140 Closed public PHA Les Sparks
Customer Reply

I have several housing authorities that have received their operating reserve lawsuit money. The rumor is that the money can be used any way that they wish. The only letter I have seen from the attorney is that it is unrestricted money from the Judgement Fund. In my mind “unrestricted” does not mean “non-federal” which is how they view it. What are your thoughts?

Kathy Christensen

From Les Sparks:

The word from HUD is that it is “unrestricted” and can be used for whatever the PHA desires. However, they are asking people to move slowly until they have ensured that OIG is not going to have further issues with the how the money should be spent. They are developing a letter to each recipient. How soon that will be before issuance is unknown.

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