New Worth for a Cure Inquiry

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#7629 Closed public FHA Lender
Customer Reply

If a company is not in compliance with net worth at year end and they must cure it (and are subject to additional 1% of FHA volumes over 25 million), what would the cure calculation be on the date of the cure?

Would we use 1/1/15-12/31/15 closed FHA volume or 3/xx/15-3/xx/16 closed FHA volumes, (i.e. 1 year trailing volumes from date of the cure).

Kathy Christensen

From Mike Olsen:

HUD will want sufficient net worth for what they should have had on 12/31/15, even though it’s cured this month. Of course they would also want to make sure that means they are compliant now . . as they are supposed to monitor net worth monthly, which shouldn’t be a problem, as the volume will be smaller for a 3-month period, vs 12-month.

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