Group Project-Based Sampling

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#6827 Closed public Multifamily Les Sparks
Customer Reply

We audit approximately 45 multifamily entities, all with the same management company. No issues have been identified surrounding controls. The projects have varying HUD programs and therefore varying compliance requirements.

If we elect, and management agrees, to use group project-based sampling for tenant eligibility, security deposits and management functions, should we look at the 45 projects as a our population, even though not all have tenant eligibility as a compliance requirement? Or should we group the projects by program, and use those smaller sub-groups as separate populations?

Kathy Christensen

From Les Sparks:

Since tenant file testing and security deposits (at least as outlined by the Guide) are concerned, the population would only include those projects for which the compliance requirement was both applicable and direct and material. In those cases, I would only include projects with subsidy as the universe to be tested. Under management functions, I would use the entire population as it pertains to all projects regardless of funding source.

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