COVID Supplemental payments

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#15134 Closed public Multifamily Les Sparks
Customer Reply

Are the COVID 19 supplemental payments considered federal awards on the Schedule of Federal Awards. If so, are the listed under the same CFDA number (14.157) listed separately?

We have recorded the funds received in account 5990 Misc. income.


Les Sparks

COVID supplemental payments are definitely considered federal awards. The account 5990 is fine. However, I remember having some discussion with someone at HUD who suggested 5193. That did not make it to the latest Q&A document. I believe that came in an email. So, my current belief is 5193.

Les Sparks

Les Sparks

Those funds are shown on the SEFA. However, they should be listed under the CFDA 14.157 only of you have a PRAC. If you have a direct loan, then it should be shown under CFDA 14.195.

So, it just depends on the source of the subsidy program.

Les Sparks

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