Section 8 CFDA

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#8255 Closed public PHA Les Sparks
Customer Reply

Our Housing Authority has the Section 8 New Construction, Substantial Rehabilitation grant that we have been coding under CFDA 14.182. That number is no longer valid so I am looking for the new CFDA to report this grant under. Is it 14.856 Lower Income Housing Assistant Program_ Moderate Rehabilitation?

Kathy Christensen

9/6/16 From Les:

I might be off, but I was unaware that 14.182 was no longer valid. Our advice is that the only real CFDA number is concerned is the Section cluster. Included in the cluster are CFDAs 14.182, 14.195, 14.249, 14.856. This is the only Section 8 program that has support int he compliance supplement. I have attached the current supplement. It was only released in the last few weeks.

Start at page 407 of the document:

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