Rural Development Final Rule

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#6859 Closed public Rural Development Les Sparks
Customer Reply

The final rule on RHS reporting requirements is effective 11/25/17. The website publishing and newsletter you put together says that RHS indicated the Final Rule changes will be OPTIONAL in Fiscal Year 2018 but will be MANDATORY starting in FY 2019. Are these changes also optional for FY 17 when there is a 12/31/17 year end?

Kathy Christensen

From Les Sparks:

This is a little intriguing. Specifically, how RD defines the dates. Most are interpreting the 2018 option definition, as relating to 2017 audits, which are paid in 2018. That means the 2019 mandatory implementation date is really related to 2018 audits paid in 2019. The latest communication from RD indicates that for 2017 audits, you do not have to issue the new reports, but you may remove the AUP engagement.

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