RD Final Rule – Forms 3560-10 & 3560-7

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#7150 Closed public Rural Development Les Sparks
Customer Reply

We are looking ahead to our 12/31 Rural Development audits and I wonder if you can assist / clarify what I’m reading. We understand the AUP procedures are not required.

Are the RD Forms 3560-10 (balance sheet) 3560-7 (profit statement) still required to be supplemental schedules, attached to the audited financial statements? Do you have samples of certifications?

Kathy Christensen

From Les Sparks:

I had been trying to get some concrete evidence on where we are going. I believer that was sent out earlier this week with the unnumbered letter. I hope that email clarified you question sufficiently. However, I need to clear this up in the software. In short, the AUP is gone with a request. However, the forma will continue to be included as supplemental data.

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