Rd Fin 2100

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#12233 Closed public Rural Development Les Sparks
Customer Reply

We have requested this form with our annual confirmation requests to the RD offices and have received Form FIN 2100 back with most.  If not received, we have had client followup and RD sent to them almost immediately

Les Sparks

Roger, this is interesting as I had another CPA ask this yesterday.  Are these two questions connected?  I think here name was Alyssa.


Hmm.  I find this most intriguing  as I cannot find a copy of that specific form anywhere on the internet. 


What I had supposed was that the form was actually changed and they never updated the reference.  Isn’t it the attached form?


Les Sparks


(801) 547-0809


From: AHACPA Support <support@ahacpa.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 6:03 PM
To: les@ahacpa.org
Subject: Rd Fin 2100 [NEW]

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