Nonprofit Rural Development Audit Requirement

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#8181 Closed public Rural Development Les Sparks
Customer Reply

I have an RD client that has expended roughly $650,000 of federal awards and has 32 units. Previously, this client fell under A-133 audit requirements and was not required to submit agreed upon procedures. Since the client no longer reports under A-133, will RD expect agreed upon procedures and audited financial statements under Yellow Book?

Kathy Christensen


From Les:

Just last week (8/1/16) Stephanie White of Rural Development informed me that a final rule on the change of reporting status will be issued in September of 2016. However, the implementation date will be deferred until 2017. That means that AUP engagements will continue to be required under the old rules through 2016 yer ends.

In this particular case, an audit will not be required as the total awards are less than $750k. However, the AUP would continue to be required as it was not subject to the limit. At least that is the current understanding. We are expecting additional information with the publishing of the final rule in September.

Apparently, one of the primary issues slowing this process down, is what to do with projects that fall below the audit limit. What will be submitted and will there still be an AUP for those entities (under the audit limit) but not for projects being audited.

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