New RD Suggested Audit Procedures

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#12131 Closed public Rural Development _General Support
Customer Reply

The suggested audit procedures included in Attachment 4-J of the updated Chapter 4 of RD Handbook HB-2-3560 asks us to review Multi-Family Information System (MFIS) Project Reserve CheckBook Authorization (FIN 2100).  What is this form and how do we obtain a copy?  My client doesn’t seem to know what this is referring to.

Kathy Christensen

Les is out of the country. He will return Thursday, January 23rd.

Les Sparks

Alyssa, you appear to be the first person who has asked this question.  After 30 minutes of searching and contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that the reference is in error.  There is no such form in RD’s database (on any Google search) nor is there any other reference to that Form.  Moving to the new Handbook – Chapter 4 HB-2-3560, Section 4.10 indicates that the reserve amount is governed by the Note Agreement and any subsequent changes made as a result of the CNA.  If that is the case, then all you need to do is ensure that the current deposit agrees to the deposit requirement outlined by RD.  IN other words does the amount equal what RD exepcts the deposits to be. I do not think I would worry about the specific Form as neither you or I or the client can find it.  Just make sure deposits are the correct amount.


Les Sparks


(801) 547-0809


From: AHACPA Support <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 5:04 PM
Subject: New RD Suggested Audit Procedures

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