
ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#18218 Closed public _General Les Sparks
Customer Reply

Hi Les
I would like your opinion.
Our 228 d client capitalized the MIP premium during the construction period.
1 1/2 years later they received a refund of $150000 for that period.
Should I just treat this as a prior period adjustment, for the statemnts?
Thanks for your help
chet woolard

Kathy Christensen


There is an upcoming deadline for submitting HUD Multifamily financial statements. My focus is on emails pertaining to HUD Multifamily submissions that are sent to submit@ahacpa.org. I will only be answering email sent to kathy@ahacpa.org or info@ahacpa.org once a day.

If you uploaded a file to ShareFile, our team has received it. There is no need to resend.
* If you have a question about an extension please visit https://ahacpa.org/resources/extension-request-directions.pdf
* For help with Multifamily Submissions contact: submit@ahacpa.org.
* For help with Lender Submissions contact: lender@ahacpa.org.
* For technical support questions contact Les Sparks: les@ahacpa.org.

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