HUD AFS extensions

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#15229 Closed public _General Les Sparks
Customer Reply

I understand from your home page that HUD will not be granting any blanket extensions this year.  Is there anything we can do as a group (CPAs / AHACPA members) to petition for a blanket extension on our client’s behalf?  I have to believe that there are many management companies and accounting firms pushing to meet the deadline this year.  I can see HUD being inundated with individual property requests in the next two weeks.

Les Sparks

The issue we have is that REAC already told us why they do not want to grant a blanket extension. It has nothing to do with the desire to do it. Legally, there are so many other sing-offs politically to get, that with the election and a change in administrations it was going to be virtually impossible to get it all done with COVID (virtually). That is why Scott told us to just have everyone that wants an extension take 5 minutes and apply for one in the system. REAC can approve all of those with no other intervention. Yes, it is a pain in the arse, but it allows them to get extensions approved as fast and efficiently as possible. To the best of our knowledge, all requests are being approved.

Les Sparks

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