Fee for service

ID Status Date Public/Private Industry AHACPA Contact
#16556 Closed public PHA Kathy Christensen
Customer Reply

Good afternoon Sunshine (Kathy)

We are in desperate need of training in fee for service.  Les said I should write you an email to have you let me know when your training course on fee for service is so we can get registered.

Have a great afternoon Scott.

Kathy Christensen

I am working on getting the schedule posted.  I have attached some information on the upcoming courses. We will send an email blast when everything is on the website: https://ahforward.com


Kathy Christensen


From: AHACPA Support <support@ahacpa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 2:41 PM
To: kathy@ahacpa.org
Subject: Fee for service [NEW]

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