Multifamily Questions

  • Refunds of distributions in excess of surplus cash

    If an owner took distributions in excess of surplus cash based on the mid year calc, but then refunded the…

  • Debt Service Reserve

    I have a non-profit HUD entity that is a real estate only entity that rents to a related party nursing…

  • Applying Findings Across Multiple Properties

    What I hope is a quick question - we audit 4 For-profit properties. All have the same ownership and are…

  • Related Party TPA

    I wanted to ask a quick question before we come up for training in Chicago. We have a client that…

  • DSCR

    Hi. Can you send the breakdown as to how HUD is calculating the DSCR these days? I have a client…

  • Section 202 Direct Loan

    We have a client that has a section 202 direct loan. In the past, the cfda listed on the sefa…

  • Record Retention

    Your sample HUD nonprofit audit engagement letter says that records will be retained for six years, which is what we…

  • Section 8 Audit Threshold

    It's been a while since I've dealt with Section 8 so forgive me for a basic question. But I just…

  • Replacement Reserve

    We have a nonprofit, subsidized HUD project (section 202) that requested some funds from the replacement reserve in October 2017…

  • Replacement Reserve withdrawals receivable

    Have a client that requested a withdrawal from the RFR at the end of the year. The withdrawal was approved…

  • Mixed Use Property

    I have a client that has a mixed use 202 Capital Advance and Tax Credit Property. An audit is required…

  • Surplus Cash Calculation and Independence

    I have a general question that has come up with one of my clients going through an accountant personnel transition…

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