HUD Issues Global Extension for Multifamily Submissions with 6/30/2015 Fiscal Year Ends

Today (September 17, 2015), HUD granted an extension for 6/30/2015 year end multifamily submissions.  Currently, the notice is available on the User Alert page in the FASSUB system. HUD will post the announcement on the REAC website in the next couple of days.  The notice states:

Global Extension for Owners with 6/30/15 Fiscal Year Ends

A recent data breach at OMB has caused the system at the Federal Audit Clearinghouse to be down. Since auditors are currently unable to file data collection forms with OMB, they are unable to issue clean audit opinions on HUD audits. OMB has extended the due date for the forms until October 31st so HUD is extending the due date for financial statements with fiscal years ending 6/30/15 till October 31st. This is a global extension and will apply to all submissions including both owner-certified and audited.

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